Music Monkey

A music quiz game for TiVo

Music Monkey is a program written in Java that runs on a PC or Mac on your home network. The TiVo acts as a display and input device, sending keypresses on the remote control to the program running on the computer, and displaying data from the program running on the computer.

To use Music Monkey, you need:

  • A Series 2 TiVo, with a network adapter and at least System Version 7.1b
  • A PC or Mac with a JRE >= 1.4.2

MusicMonkey has been chosen as "Best Music Application" in the TiVo developer challenge!


Version 1.2 released 7/6/2005.

This version fixes some two player game bugs and uses the 1.2 version of the HME library. Get it on the download page. Logo